Patient Stories

Former Astros Josh Reddick is Happy with his Lasik results at Diagnostic Eye Center
Josh Riddick running the bases with his hand in the air

Former Houston Astros outfielder and World Series Champion Josh Reddick has LASIK with Dr. Andrew Salem at Diagnostic Eye Center

Josh Reddick was a key player for the Houston Astros during their historic 2017 World Series victory. The championship not only marked a major sports achievement but also served as a source of unity and resilience for Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Known for his big personality, Josh won over the hearts of Houston fans with his Spiderman costumes and wrestling belts, in addition to making some amazing plays on the field. He retired from professional baseball in 2023 but still calls the Houston area home.

Josh has been playing baseball since he was a kid, but having to deal with putting contacts in and out every time he played was a huge hassle. Playing in the big leagues also means traveling all over the country, and high altitudes also made his contacts dry out. He finally decided to take the leap and get rid of contacts for good with laser vision correction! Josh says that his biggest motivation was to wake up and be able to see without putting anything on or in his eyes.

Josh Reddick and Dr. Salem after LASIK surgery

After being referred by his team optometrist, Josh came to see Dr. Salem at Diagnostic Eye Center. He had several scans and measurements taken of his corneas, then his eyes were numbed with eye drops. The actual procedure took less than ten minutes! Josh says that LASIK was a great experience! “Everybody on the team was welcoming and treated me with kindness. I knew what to expect going in so it wasn’t much of a surprise.”

To anyone considering LASIK or any other vision correction surgery, Josh says, “Don’t wait! Get it done ASAP!”

Thank you, Josh, for trusting us with your eyes and for sharing your LASIK story with the world! Congratulations on your new 20/20 vision! Your contributions to the Astros and to the city of Houston have left an indelible mark. We’re honored to have played a small role in enhancing your vision, just as you’ve enhanced the spirit of Houston!

Victoria Fuller in costume at a themed event

Artist and Reality TV Star Victoria Fuller Regains Her Vision with Refractive Lens Exchange at Diagnostic Eye Center

Victoria Fuller, an accomplished artist and reality TV star, has experienced a life-changing transformation through refractive lens exchange surgery performed by Dr. Andrew Salem at Diagnostic Eye Center. Victoria’s journey to restored vision was marked by perseverance and the quest for answers beyond what numerous doctors had previously provided.

Victoria is known for her appearances on reality TV and her feature in Playboy magazine. She gained widespread recognition as a contestant on the popular reality TV show “The Amazing Race” and has graced the pages of Playboy, where she was named Playmate of the Month. These experiences have made her a well-known public figure, and her vision issues were particularly challenging given the visual demands of her career in the public eye.

For years, Victoria struggled with her deteriorating vision, which significantly impacted her ability to create art. Despite consulting with several doctors, she was told that her vision loss was simply a part of aging. However, Victoria knew there was more to her condition. She felt as if she was constantly looking through a watery lens, unable to see up close or at a distance, and experiencing double vision. This took a toll on her art, forcing her to stop painting on canvas altogether and rely solely on digital work.

Close-up of Victoria Fuller's eyes

A turning point came when a fellow artist recommended Dr. Kevin Gee, an eye doctor based in Houston. Trusting her friend’s advice, Victoria traveled to Houston for a comprehensive eye exam. It was here that Dr. Gee, in collaboration with Dr. Salem, diagnosed her with cataracts and dry eyes—conditions that had been overlooked by previous doctors. She was presented with various lens options, including the advanced PanOptix lenses.

Victoria’s decision to undergo refractive lens exchange was fueled by Dr. Salem’s extensive experience and the state-of-the-art equipment at Diagnostic Eye Center. The personalized care and detailed explanations provided by Dr. Salem, Dr. Gee, and their dedicated team reassured Victoria throughout the process.

Victoria underwent surgery on each eye one week apart. She describes the experience as peaceful and the recovery as remarkably smooth. Just days after her second surgery, Victoria began to see clearly again. She could read without glasses, see distant objects in detail, and appreciate the textures and colors that define her artistic vision. Everyday tasks like reading food labels, applying makeup, and seeing her daughter’s face became joyous moments of clarity.

Victoria Fuller painting on a canvas

Reflecting on her journey, Victoria is filled with gratitude for Dr. Salem, Dr. Gee, and the entire team at Diagnostic Eye Center. Her life has been profoundly transformed, and she now encourages others to seek second opinions and trust their instincts about their health.

“I can’t express how thankful I am to Dr. Salem and Dr. Gee for giving me back my vision. My life is forever changed,” says Victoria. “If you’re experiencing vision problems, don’t give up hope. There’s always a solution out there.”

Thank you, Victoria, for sharing your inspiring story and trusting us with your eyes. Your journey of resilience and renewal is a testament to the transformative power of expert care and advanced technology. Congratulations on your newfound clarity and continued success in your artistic endeavors!

The doctors at Diagnostic Eye Center have reviewed and approved this content.

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